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Friday 3 December 2010

2011 -A Year To Get The Ball Rolling

2011. This will be an exiting year.

Unfortunately I think I've slacked a wee bit this year. I could've done a whole lot more than what I have, and I only have myself to blame which is why right at this moment, you've heard it here first, I'm going to set myself some realistic goals for 2011.

Obviously because I'm only just starting off as a business I know how hard it is to get work so 2011 will be spent mostly on marketing, developing skills and building a portfolio. And if any payed work comes from this, then that will be a bonus and will all go into my photography fund and go towards new gear and hopefully a place to rent to set up a permanent studio.

So here we go, I shall begin:

1. Don’t leave my camera.

This is something I've said I'll do ever since I started photography. I have honestly lost count how much times I've been either driving or walking along and said to myself "Damn! I wish I had my camera." It's really started to irritate me. I don't know how my better half manages to put up with it!

2. Shoot a Photo a Day.

3. Join or Start a photo club.

Blaenau has one every Wednesday. I'm off every Wednesday and Thursday. I've got NO excuse.

4. Prioritize my goals.

Something I really really need to take on board. If I'm going to save for a new camera. Then save only for a camera not change my mind halfway through then end up blowing the cash on something I don't need at all.

5. Compete!

Some people say some of my photos are good enough for contests. There's only one way to find out. Isn't there!

6. Build my website

Should be my main priority. With everything done on the Internet now this is a definite must for 2011

7. Inquire at a newspaper.

Sort of started. I dropped off a business card to The Cambrian News. So I now should follow up with possibly an email or a letter or something along those lines.

8. Display my work

There is a lot of cafe's/ restaurants/ coffee shops around the North Wales area. So I'll have to pop in to see if I can strike some sort of deal with them.

9. Take monthly photo walks

Something that definitely needs to be done. Once a month I should set off to somewhere completely new whether it be local or national. Fresh eyes are always the best tool to use in photography.

10. Follow a regular photo blog-posting schedule.

Will be updated as often as possible.

11. Reach a hand.

This is something that came to me last week, and when I saw it on someone else's blog on their goals I thought "BINGO!" so something I will be definitely looking at doing in 2011.

12. Create a business plan

13. Take a workshop.

Really want to take part in Andy Kime's landscape masterclass and wouldn't mind attending a couple of wedding workshops.

14. Learn more about lighting

I'll be 100% honest. I'm really struggling with lighting. Flash especially. So I'm going to have to really do my research.

15. Get to know more photographers and build relationships.

There’s no point in being a blogger and photographer on the internet without interacting with like minded people, it’s one of the great benefits of the internet, breaking down the barriers of time and miles between us down to nothing.

16. Get to know my camera better

This is something I should've done a long time a go, and this is getting to know my camera better. In 2010 I have experimented a lot more with the camera e.g. Using Av (aperture priority) mode and slow syncing. So in 2011 I need to delve a he'll of a lot deeper.

17. Shoot new people.

Be it strangers on the street, new or old friends or family. Just anyone I haven't shot before.

18. Conduct an old-school photo project

I've got an old Canon EOS just sitting in the bag here. I want to use it for a while just to see life through a different lens/ camera. Might broaden my visuality on life.

19. Create an inexpensive home studio.

Okay I wouldn't say this one is impossible because of the lack of room I have at home BUT it is something I want to look into. I recently saw a video podcast by The Art Of Photography, who I highly recommend you watch, and they make you realize that things done have to be done with top of the range equipment. So it's something I'll definitely be giving a go

20. Create a plan and a budget for purchasing my next piece of photographic equipment.

I touched up on this earlier, this is basically a more detailed version of number 4.

And that's it for now I'll be making a checklist and printing one off so I can start using this from the 1st of January 2011.

Let's see how well I do!


Location:Blaenau Ffestiniog,United Kingdom

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