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Monday 27 December 2010

Just to let you know I'm still here...

Okay I haven't had much time to update this week because its the busy period at work so have been working 50+ hours there.

Anyway the new year is nearly here and so my first photography project will begin. Project 365. I will attempt to take at least 1 photograph every day for the whole of 2011. Not only that, having a trully inspiring conversation last week with James Taylor of Outlaw Photography, Some of my "Must Buy In 2011" Blog is now completely irrelevant. Im going to stick to my 30D until it completely dies on me. Im just going to invest in 1 lense, as well as other things which make perfect sense and I don't know why I didn't think of it before. The main one being attend improv comedy workshops. As he said:

"You think I Jest (no pun intended)? I can promise you, being a more entertaining and engaging photographer will make you far, far more popular and successful than all the megapixels and speedlights in the land"

Genius. Pure Genius.

Ill try and update once more before the new year. If not have a happy new year people and I wish you all the best for 2011, and I will see you with my first photo of the year on January the first!


Monday 20 December 2010

The First Outing Of Winter

Temperatures below zero, pitch black and the subtle reflection of the moon bouncing off the snow. Ideal conditions for some landscape photography? I think so!

Dad bought himself a Canon G11 yesterday and has been itching to try it out. So because I've missed the snow the past couple of years I though sod it, I'm desperate to take photos of the snow, so I asked dad last night if he fancied heading out to take photos first thing in the morning. He said ok.

Boy I'm glad I woke up.

When we first got into the car we were undecided as to where we were going. So after sitting in the car for about 10 or 15 minutes we decided on seeing whether the road up passed Betws-Y-Coed was clear. When we found it wasn't too bad we carried on going to Capel Currig and turned off for Beddgelert. The roads were clear and the snow in the fields were untouched by any sort of life form. Bliss.

After buying myself some Hama polarizing filters in the summer, I was really hoping to see how they'd cope with the glare of the snow. To be fair they coped a damn sight better than I though they would, considering their £19 price tag.

After we got as far as we could go and took few snaps there, we headed back and stopped in a lay by to see if there what any golden opportunities there. And indeed there was. We came across a river that was pretty much completely frozen (there will be a photo of the other side of the bridge we were standing on coming up in the end of the post) we got a couple of nice shots there. Unfortunately I was unable to get photos of the river in front of the bridge as a whole because the river was a little bit bigger than what my 18mm sigma could fit in.

So that's it really. The first photography outing I've had this winter and, to be honest, I really enjoyed it and it was good spending time with my ol' man. I'm going to put the pictures up now and stop boring you with my ramblings. So here they are. My favourite 5 photos from the shoot.

Just before I go I want to give a shout out to James Taylor at Outlaw Photography, Texas for being an absolute gem. I emailed him the other day thanking him for a blog of his I found online that has helped me and opened my eyes no end!!! If only all photographers where like him! The world would be a better place.

Check out his blog at


- Andrew Cockerill Photography

Location:Manod Rd,,United Kingdom

Friday 17 December 2010

Tonights Snow

Just a couple of shots I took from outside my house. There will be more uploaded tomorrow



Finally its snowing! And it's snowing well.

I did think the snow we had in January was absolutely awesome but the one today is absolutely epic! We're currently at about 11 inches of snow and it's still hammering down. I was supposed to be working today but I can't even get the car moved from the spot it's in. I might not have been in today because I've either got an abcess or I have the early stages of Glandular Fever. Not good.

It definitely wont be stopping me from going out to take photos this year. I've missed the snow for the past couple of years because of work, but now its got to that bad I cant go in I'll definitely be doing a long walk to get my goal of winter, capture a decent snow picture.

anyway enough of my ramblings for now. Lets enjoy the snow while we can.


Thursday 16 December 2010

Things I Must Buy In 2011

Canon EOS 5D - approx. £450-600.
Canon 17-40mm L lens - £500
Canon 24-70mm EF f2.8L USM - £970
Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM - £1200
Canon Speedlite 580EX II - £306
Manfrotto 293 ALU TRIPOD - £80

Okay all of these above I will not buy BUT I will have to get the 5D, the 17-40mm, the 24-70mm and the canon speedlight. If I want to make it in the photography world these are the minimum I need. If I manage to get the 70-300mm as well, well, that will be an added bonus.

Lets see how I do!!!


Location:Blaenau Ffestiniog,United Kingdom

A Moment

Current Reading: Buried Alive - J. A. Kerley
Current Music: Michael Buble - Crazy Love
Mood: Sorry For Myself
Smells: Nothing. Bloody cold!!
Sounds: How The Universe Works on TV
Thoughts: Must get my arse into gear big style.

Location:Blaenau Ffestiniog,United Kingdom

Wednesday 15 December 2010


Okay one of my favorite backdrops for pretty much any portrait has definitely got to be bokeh. I attempted a couple of weeks ago when i did the "Shwgwr Plwm" shoot. In one of the photos the backdrop did have the desired effect but I wasn't happy at all with the level of light on the subject herself. Not long after I had the shoot I went to see a close friend of mine who has been doing photography since he was 16 and he told me a way to do it. All I got to do is slow sync the flash. The idea in this is the initial burst from the flash will light up the subject and if I have a shutter speed of about 1/2 a second or longer it will allow the lights in the background to 'bokeh'.

Here are some of my favorite examples:

I cannot wait to get back out again and give this another go.


Location:Blaenau Ffestiniog,United Kingdom

Sunday 12 December 2010

The Art of Photography

Just realized haven't posted on here in a week so I thought Id just post a small blog to let you know about something I've been watching religiously lately. I personally think that everyone who is beginning or even advancing in the world of photography should check out The Art Of Photography's free video Podcast. I wish I had a way of showing you some of his newer videos, but unfortunately the only 2 he has on youtube are some of the older ones but Ill pass on the pilot episode anyway just so you can have a look.



Sunday 5 December 2010

A Quick Recap

Okay this is just so I can put a couple of photos up that I have taken in 2010. I've only got a handful of photos on the hardrive of the iPad so I'm only going to put up a few. When I have access to the laptop that all my photos are stored on I'll add a few more.

And here's a couple of my favorite photos from photographers I've gotten to know and discovered in the year.

The above photos were taken by Rory Trappe, a photographer from Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales.

This photographer has to be my favorite of 2010, and not only is he a fantastic photographer, he's one he'll of a nice guy!! A true inspiration. What inspires me most about Everett Jelley's photographs is the the fact that the camera he uses is not £3000 camera and a £1500 lens. He simply uses a canon 40D and the Canon EF 50mm Prime f1.8 lens. A low cost setup but has results that gives most professionals, with top of the range cameras, a real run for their money. Cannot wait to see more from him in 2011. Amazing!


Location:Blaenau Ffestiniog,United Kingdom

Friday 3 December 2010

2011 -A Year To Get The Ball Rolling

2011. This will be an exiting year.

Unfortunately I think I've slacked a wee bit this year. I could've done a whole lot more than what I have, and I only have myself to blame which is why right at this moment, you've heard it here first, I'm going to set myself some realistic goals for 2011.

Obviously because I'm only just starting off as a business I know how hard it is to get work so 2011 will be spent mostly on marketing, developing skills and building a portfolio. And if any payed work comes from this, then that will be a bonus and will all go into my photography fund and go towards new gear and hopefully a place to rent to set up a permanent studio.

So here we go, I shall begin:

1. Don’t leave my camera.

This is something I've said I'll do ever since I started photography. I have honestly lost count how much times I've been either driving or walking along and said to myself "Damn! I wish I had my camera." It's really started to irritate me. I don't know how my better half manages to put up with it!

2. Shoot a Photo a Day.

3. Join or Start a photo club.

Blaenau has one every Wednesday. I'm off every Wednesday and Thursday. I've got NO excuse.

4. Prioritize my goals.

Something I really really need to take on board. If I'm going to save for a new camera. Then save only for a camera not change my mind halfway through then end up blowing the cash on something I don't need at all.

5. Compete!

Some people say some of my photos are good enough for contests. There's only one way to find out. Isn't there!

6. Build my website

Should be my main priority. With everything done on the Internet now this is a definite must for 2011

7. Inquire at a newspaper.

Sort of started. I dropped off a business card to The Cambrian News. So I now should follow up with possibly an email or a letter or something along those lines.

8. Display my work

There is a lot of cafe's/ restaurants/ coffee shops around the North Wales area. So I'll have to pop in to see if I can strike some sort of deal with them.

9. Take monthly photo walks

Something that definitely needs to be done. Once a month I should set off to somewhere completely new whether it be local or national. Fresh eyes are always the best tool to use in photography.

10. Follow a regular photo blog-posting schedule.

Will be updated as often as possible.

11. Reach a hand.

This is something that came to me last week, and when I saw it on someone else's blog on their goals I thought "BINGO!" so something I will be definitely looking at doing in 2011.

12. Create a business plan

13. Take a workshop.

Really want to take part in Andy Kime's landscape masterclass and wouldn't mind attending a couple of wedding workshops.

14. Learn more about lighting

I'll be 100% honest. I'm really struggling with lighting. Flash especially. So I'm going to have to really do my research.

15. Get to know more photographers and build relationships.

There’s no point in being a blogger and photographer on the internet without interacting with like minded people, it’s one of the great benefits of the internet, breaking down the barriers of time and miles between us down to nothing.

16. Get to know my camera better

This is something I should've done a long time a go, and this is getting to know my camera better. In 2010 I have experimented a lot more with the camera e.g. Using Av (aperture priority) mode and slow syncing. So in 2011 I need to delve a he'll of a lot deeper.

17. Shoot new people.

Be it strangers on the street, new or old friends or family. Just anyone I haven't shot before.

18. Conduct an old-school photo project

I've got an old Canon EOS just sitting in the bag here. I want to use it for a while just to see life through a different lens/ camera. Might broaden my visuality on life.

19. Create an inexpensive home studio.

Okay I wouldn't say this one is impossible because of the lack of room I have at home BUT it is something I want to look into. I recently saw a video podcast by The Art Of Photography, who I highly recommend you watch, and they make you realize that things done have to be done with top of the range equipment. So it's something I'll definitely be giving a go

20. Create a plan and a budget for purchasing my next piece of photographic equipment.

I touched up on this earlier, this is basically a more detailed version of number 4.

And that's it for now I'll be making a checklist and printing one off so I can start using this from the 1st of January 2011.

Let's see how well I do!


Location:Blaenau Ffestiniog,United Kingdom

Thursday 2 December 2010

The Latest Shoot

Riiight okay. Thursdays shoot was interesting. Not quite the results I wanted BUT I still got some photos I'm really impressed with and will show you towards the end of this shoot. To be fair it was nice actually working with models who were more than willing to give their own feedback and had a good idea on what they wanted themselves. The idea I had for taking a photo with Christmas lights in the background didn't exactly work. Okay. I admit it. I did sort of just rush straight into it without doing any research on how to do it first. Looking back after finishing the shoot (and being really confused and baffled as to why the lighting effect didn't work) I realized that what I should have done is set the shutter speed to roughly 4 seconds, use the flash to initially light up the subject and then just get her to stand really still while the lights in the background got brighter and brighter. You live and learn.

Here's my favorite shots from the shoot.

Okay with regards to the above photo the effect I wanted did work, but unfortunately the original photo was so dark, a lot of the detail was lost when I lit up the model, so I think I'll just be putting this one down to experience.

As you can see with the photos above most of them were just trial and error. I know it's a rubbish excuse but it was the first time I've had a proper studio shoot. I need to invest in a proper background as that one was too small for what we had intended to do. So all in all for a first go with models, costume changes and a studio set up I didn't think I did too bad but I'll let you be the judges on that one.

On to the next subject. I've been downloading a lot of video podcasts lately and one that has really taken my eye and one I've been really keen to watch is the one by The Art Of Photography. It has made me learn that you don't have to spend thousands starting off a studio. He explains more than once that studio lighting is the only part of photography that can be done very inexpensively and you can get a complete set up by only spending as much as £100 depending on where you buy. It is something I highly recommend you watch because he doesn't just cover studios. He covers everything from using a light meter. Sync speeds all the way to framing and framing on a budget. Surely has taught me a thing or two.

Anyway I'll let you get back to what you were doing.

Thanks for looking.


Location:Gellilydan, Gwynedd.